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Peterson's - FAABteachersmanual
Teacher's Manual
Page 15



Lesson Objective:
The students will understand that essays are an important
part of the application process for many scholarships and grants. The students
will gain hands-on experience applying techniques for effective essay writing.

1. Tell the students that many scholarships and grants use essays as one
of the criteria for determining recipients. Explain to them that while
essay ques
tions may vary (see Overhead 7), the bottom line is that an
essay question is another way to ask why a student deserves the
award. Therefore, it is imperative that students follow a few basic
techniques when they write an essay (see Overhead 8).

2. An excerpt from one university's application material (Overhead 9)
demonstrates the importance of essay writing.
3. Now split the students into pairs and tell them that they will have an
opportunity to brainstorm about a fictional essay. Tell the students that
they will be applying for the "(use your name) Scholarship." Your
mission is to give $100,000 to the pair with the most creative approach
to the essay topic "What I Learned in High School." Then tell them to
get started on Handout 4. When the students have completed the
assignment, ask them to share their responses. The class can vote on
the best essay. The award? You have two choices. Either fork over
your life savings or give the students a fake $100,000 bill.

Materials: Overheads 7, 8, & 9, Handout 4, projector and screen.

Read chapter 5 in The Financial Aid Answer Book.

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