Documents Containing: Credit Insurance Custodial Phrase
Salomon IR 96 2 Q Page 9
"...to Swapco's participation in the Salomon IncEquity Partnership Plan. Professional services include audit and legal fees as wellas ongoing rating agency surveillance fees. Technology expense includes costs for computerservices, office automation, market data services andvoice, data and network communications. Occupancy expense includes rent, maintenance, utilities,occupancy taxes, property insurance and moving andother occupancy-related expenses incurred in connectionwith Swapco's office space at 7 World Trade Center inNew York and at 8800 Hidden River Parkway in Tampa,Florida. Other expenses include premiums for credit insurance,custodial and bank charges as well as othermiscellaneous items. 15..."
Salomon IR 96 3 Q Page 9
"...to Swapco's participation in the Salomon IncEquity Partnership Plan. Professional services include audit and legal fees as wellas ongoing rating agency surveillance fees. Technology expense includes costs for computerservices, office automation, market data services andvoice, data and network communications. Occupancy expense includes rent, maintenance, utilities,occupancy taxes, property insurance and moving andother occupancy-related expenses incurred in connectionwith Swapco's office space at 7 World Trade Center inNew York and at 8800 Hidden River Parkway in Tampa,Florida. Other expenses include premiums for credit insurance,custodial and bank charges as well as othermiscellaneous items. 15..."
Salomon IR 97 1 Q Page 9
"...to Swapco's participation in the Salomon IncEquity Partnership Plan. Professional services include audit and legal fees as wellas ongoing rating agency surveillance fees. Technology expense includes costs for computer services,office automation, market data services and voice, dataand network communications. Occupancy expense includes rent, maintenance, utilities,occupancy taxes, property insurance and moving andother occupancy-related expenses incurred in connectionwith Swapco's office space at 7 World Trade Center inNew York and at 8800 Hidden River Parkway in Tampa,Florida. Other expenses include premiums for credit insurance,custodial and bank charges as well as othermiscellaneous items. 15..."
Salomon IR 97 2 Q Page 9
"...to Swapco's participation in the Salomon IncEquity Partnership Plan. Professional services include audit and legal fees as wellas ongoing rating agency surveillance fees. Technology expense includes costs for computer services,office automation, market data services and voice, dataand network communications. Occupancy expense includes rent, maintenance, utilities,occupancy taxes, property insurance and moving andother occupancy-related expenses incurred in connectionwith Swapco's office space at 7 World Trade Center inNew York and at 8800 Hidden River Parkway in Tampa,Florida. Other expenses include premiums for credit insurance,custodial and bank charges as well as othermiscellaneous items. 15..."
Salomon IR 97 3 Q Page 8
"...pursuant toSwapco's participation in the Salomon Inc EquityPartnership Plan. Professional services include audit and legal fees as well asongoing rating agency surveillance fees. Technology expense includes costs for computer services,office automation, market data services and voice, data andnetwork communications. Occupancy expense includes rent, maintenance, utilities,occupancy taxes, property insurance and moving and otheroccupancy-related expenses incurred in connection withSwapco's office space at 7 World Trade Center in NewYork and at 8800 Hidden River Parkway in Tampa,Florida. Other expenses include premiums for credit insurance,custodial and bank charges as well as other miscellaneousitems. 13..."
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