MOJO Adserver Flash Creative Specifications
Test Checklist
S Make sure click-through opens outside the frame for both Iframe/ilayer
and Iframe/script tags.
S Makes sure alt image is served when JavaScript is turned off.
S Do minimum version testing to ensure that for example when you set the
flash template to minimum version 4, when a user has flash 3 installed an
alt gif gets displayed.
S Make sure banner is correct size when served thru iframe/ilayer/script
Packaging and delivery
The following specifications define how banners should be prepared for use
with MOJO Adserver.
One Zip File
Per Banner
Each Banner Unit must be packaged separately. If there
are five banners sent there must be 5 separate zip files. If
there is a parent and daughter window combination they
must be packaged in same zip archive. {If there are four
parent/daughter window banners, then there should be
four zip archives.}
Flash Banners Delivery Specs:
Please Send to Mediaplex the following contained in 1 Zip file per banner:
S Published .swf for each Banner
S Published customized .html for each Banner (Mediaplex provides a
S One Designated Default GIF Banner per .swf to be served for
default/no-plug-in purposes.
S For banners with multiple click-throughs include a text document with
name value pair and corresponding destination url.
Banner Unit packaging for delivery to Mediaplex
If there are five banners sent they must be sent in 5 separate zip archives. If
there is a parent and daughter window combination they must be packaged
in same zip archive. If there are four parent/daughter window banners, then
there should be four zip archives.