MOJO Adserver Flash Creative Specifications
implementation standards. For more information see:
HTML/Java Script customization
A Flash browser plug-in is required to view Flash movies.
In the case of online advertising this is especially important due to the fact
that if a user does not have the Flash plug-in installed on his/her computer, a
default .gif must be served. Mediaplex has created a universal Flash template
that needs to be edited for each specific Flash banner. This template includes
a flash sniffer which will search a user's computer to see if the proper plug-in
is installed to view the Flash banner. If the correct plug-in is not installed, the
user will be served the default .gif.
All editing is done in the first twelve lines of code. The directions are given
within the HTML file itself, and an example of the template is given at the
end of this document. Once customized, rename the Mediaplex flash
template so that it has the same name as the creative flash .swf file. Ex.
Flash_banner1.swf should have a customized flash template associated with
it called Flash_banner1.html.
The JS version of the flash template is edited in the same way as the html
version. This is needed only for testing the creative through an iframe/script
Testing Requirements
Testing Basics
All banners and final click-throughs should have been tested before sending
to Mediaplex. While testing, the banners should be checked for proper
dimensions. For accurate testing, all campaign components should be:
S Stored in a single directory
S Tested in an iframe for Internet Explorer, see below for details.
S Tested in an ilayer for Netscape, see below for details.
Banners must then be tested with all current browsers, including:
S Netscape Navigator 3.x, 4.x and 6.x
S Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x
S An AOL browser
After uploading into MOJO Adserver and defining the tracking
specifications, Mediaplex will test again. However, this test will only note
incompatibilities between our specifications and the creative units and