FAQ concerning a cooperation with ARoBS
How can a contact with AROBS be established?
Simply send an e-mail to the following address
. We are ready and
eager to answer all your questions and provide you further information. It will also
be a great pleasure for us to make a presentation of our firm at your location or to
invite you to visit us in Cluj.
How do we start a project and communicate during a project?
That depends on the project. We usually receive initial information on a project in
the form most suitable for you. In case you already have a specification of a product
we will study it and send you a set-price offer calculating the project based on
programmer/ months and then we will allocate the programmers in order to meet
your time requirements.
If you like us to elaborate a specification corresponding to your requirements it will
be much better, but that needs to be discussed very carefully with our project
manager in order to avoid the misunderstandings. We are always ready to send our
project manager to your site or you can come to our location in order to clarify and
discuss all the details. It happens quite often that the important problems for the
project are settled only in the course of the project. Consequently, communication is
the key in our relation. In this case, we will do again our best to meet your
What methods do we use for checking the progress of our work for a project?
We have several methods: weekly progress reports through e- mail/contacting
How can a contact with AROBS be established?
How do we start a project and communicate during a project?
What methods do we use for checking the progress of our work for a
How large is our company now (number of people, per year US$ revenue)?
Is it possible for us to develop only a single piece or modules of the
application? What kind of specs do we need to start work?
Could ARoBS provide people to work at your site? Or would it be possible
for you to visit our site for some days? What would this cost?
Do we have a QM-System or how do we guarantee for the quality of the
written code?
Can we piece some of the work out as it gets defined?
What platforms do we support?
What are the languages used at ARoBS for software development?
What are the services ARoBS provides?
Who owns the copyright for the product and the sources after the
completion of a project?
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