1. A urgent warning about the problems of using licensed appraisers without
supporting (MAI or SRA ) designations.
2. Environmental Damage Valuation: Are appraisers overestimating the damage ?
3. Deflation, a potential economic nightmare on the horizon?
4. Inflation prospects and forecast
5. Defense Conversion - Has is been successful?
6. Financing Activity - Why it will be a better year !
7. Property Taxes - Will there be relief any time soon?
8. Utility Rates - Which way will they go?
9. Economic Statistics and GDP forecast
10. Economic Blue Print for Success
11. The New York City and Long Island Retail Market - Both good and bad news !
12. The Office Sector - Why this segment is getting better.
13.The Industrial Market - A realistic look at the prospects.
14. The Housing Sector - Has time for cooling off finally arrived ?
15. Balancing the Budget - Will it be a year 2000 Presidential referendum ?
16.Turbulence- a classic physics problem which holds the key to tremendous energy savings.
17. Transportation - The key projects that lie ahead
18. Labor - Is wage inflation ahead?
19. East End of Long Island: Preservation on an urgent time frame is must.
20. Statistical and Artificial Intelligence Appraisals
21. Geographic Information Systems- What will be the wave of the future?