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Animal Diversity Web - taxon 2004 schema

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Animal Diversity Web - taxon 2004 schema
taxon sources
source id
taxon nodes
taxon id
latin name
common name details
common name id
source id
common names
common name id
taxon id
common name
taxon details
taxon id
source id
parent id
rank id
walk nodes
taxon id
parent id
rank id
version id
version id
walk details
source id
taxon id
walk common names
common name id
version id
Taxon sources can represent "complete"
taxonomic hierarchies (e.g. ITIS) or specialize (e.g.
Howard & Moore). Import re-uses taxon ids
between sources, but otherwise each source is
completely represented in taxon details. It would
be possible to
browse ITIS
browse Howard &
true to their taxonomies.
Common names can be linked back
to their source, and can be tagged
assigned a
that determines which
site the common name "belongs" to
(e.g. ADW common names vs.
BioKIDS "preferred" names).
How this is supposed to work. When a new or
updated taxon source is imported (e.g. Howard
& Moore,
or the upcoming Mammals of the
revision), they're assigned a new source
and the citation data about that source is
added to taxon sources. The taxonomy is
imported with that source id into taxon details,
connecting to existing taxon nodes and adding
when necessary.
The walk nodes represent a slice of
the information in taxon details,
tuned to the needs of the project.
How this is supposed to work. Each
walk id
a particular taxonomy
, and lets us blend
taxon details from multiple sources without pulling our hair out. The details of a particular source can
the sources in the walk or
them with new data. EMBL may
ITIS, while
Howard & Moore would
any other avian data.
taxon features
taxon id
version id

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