Oracle/Inform ix data warehouses with transactional inform ation. Currently the system
is deployed with over 300 users.
Big Hut Au ct ion Ho use
T he site developed allows the users to browse the item s online in Mark et and Auctions
and allows the users to bid or buy from the listing. T he site also has the facilities for
the buyers and sellers to register and m anage their accounts and billing.
was used for the transaction purposes. Various features m ak e this site vast and
professional lik e the bid-o-m atic, buy now, inventory loader, reserve auctions, Dutch
auctions etc. Adm in section handles all the necessary task s required for the
m anagem ent of the site.
Net pulse Commun ication s
SDEI's consultants designed a distributed database for Internet m ultim edia
applications and work ed on local FoxPro databases. Further work included
im plem enting the solution using Oracle W eb Server and local FoxPro databases and
creation of custom ized m ark eting and reporting applications to track work out and
browsing usage. T he creation of the application required understanding optim ized
relational data m odel for sem i conductor m anufacturing facilities.
iM etriku s
SDEI created a web Based Survey system that allows the survey m ak ers creating the
surveys. End users can enter into the system and can vote for a particular survey and
later on this valuable data is analyzed and the system then gives m eaningful results.
T he surveys are dynam ic with survey m ak er can enter various elem ents in the surveys
lik e the check box, text box, text areas, segm ents, grids of check boxes, ratings etc.
Richlin k
Sentius was using the proprietary solution earlier for handling all the client specified
annotations and standard dictionaries for richlink ing the web content. T echnologies
used for this were PERL, VC++, MS Access, JavaScript, HT ML and som e of the
proprietary database form ats lik e .rla. But as the dem and for autom ated content
enrichm ent arises, the need of a robust, reliable and scalable architecture becom es
m ore powerful. SDEI helped redesign the application. Java technology was the first
step. Java technology's ease of developm ent, m ulti-platform capability, and
robustness of network applications m ade it the ideal candidate for converting its
existing applications.