T he quality assurance group is be m ade up of a QA m anager and m em bers. T he team
m em bers are typically experienced professionals well versed in QA m ethodologies and
the technologies they are work ing in.
T he QA m em ber is closely involved with each stage in the life cycle of a project from
specification review to acceptance testing. T he QA m em ber ensures that the analysts
adhere to all guidelines and program m ing standards for optim al coding techniques.
T he QA cell is responsible for all deliverables in a project and at each stage different
param eters are used to enable m anagem ent to m easure the quality of a developm ent
project, such as:
1. Design- Peer review of defects founder per specification
2. Developm ent- Code W alk -through and defects found during unit testing
3. T esting-Defects recorded during integration and system testing
4. Acceptance T esting- Defects within various categories
5. T eam , Roles and Responsibilities
SDEI recognizes the need to provide a com pletely secure environm ent in its offshore
developm ent centers. T his em braces physical and network security. W hen work ing
with client, SDEI addresses the security issues in a serious m anner to overcom e
weak ness in international laws.
Intellectual Rights: All SDEI em ployees are under a contract with SDEI and on need
basis directly sign an NDA for the client. T his creates validity in India and US.
Network and Data Security: SDEI's network is behind a firewall and network and
database security is m anaged and m onitored by a fulltim e, Inform ation Services (IS)
personnel and DBA. Please review the diagram included in the appendix.
Access to Databases: Currently SDEI access client's databases via VPN - end-to-end
tunneling supported by encryption. T his allows access to the database over the
Internet in a secured fashion. SDEI provides a public IP to the client to allow access
through the client's firewall.
W ith increased size of team , SDEI will provide for node-to-node tunneling. W ithin the
SDEI LAN, a separate subnet is created and tunneled directly to the client's network .
SDEI will provide the public IP for the gateway to the client. SDEI network is behind
the firewall.