(a) Requirem ent Analysis
(b) High Level Design
(c) Low Level Design
(d) Construction and Unit T esting
(e) Acceptance
Delivery Model
T he following is the high-level delivery m odel used by SDEI:
Arrive at the scope of the project to ensure that SDEI and its clients
are fully sure in what the product is to be delivered.
(a) Develop Business Case by getting involved with the client
during and post JAD (Joint Application Developm ent) sessions.
(b) Derive Project Scope
(c) Arrive at success criterion, Risk Assessm ent
(d) Provide T echnology Solution
(e) Identify resources and sk ill set required
(f) Arrive at an high level schedule plan with m ile stones
(g) Identify the infrastructure requirem ents such as Hardware,
Software, Com m unications Link , LAN/W AN and Security
Arrive at a high-level schedule plan with m ilestones in place to
indicate to the client well before hand what and when will be
(a) Project Plan
(b) Architecture and Design
(c) Develop
(d) Regular Product Builds
(e) Regular autom ated product testing
(f) T est results and analysis and bug fixes
(g) Accept change requests and provide the respective changes in
the delivery schedules.
Accept any changes to the requirem ents during the project life cycle,
though change requests and provide estim ation in the change in the
delivery due to the change requests.
(a) Setup user acceptance test environm ent.
(b) Client carries out user acceptance tests.
Setup the deploym ent infrastructure with the required