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Open Source Business Resource - OSBR July 07
Eclips e: A Prem ier
Open S ource Com m unity
Produ ctivity
It is im portant to b e cl
e ar w h at is m e ant
by produ ctivity h e re in th e conte xt of
m e asu ring h e al
th - - w e are tal
k ing ab ou t
th e ab il
ity of th e Ecl
ipse e cosyste m to cre -
ate e conom ic val
u e , not th e individu al
produ ctivity of de ve l
ope rs. If a fram e -
w ork or tool
is ge ne rating e conom ic activ-
ity, th e n w e w ou l
d e xpe ct to se e m ore
and m ore organiz ations se e k ing to pay
e m pl
oye e s for th ose sk il
s. M ore ove r, w e
w ou l
d al
so e xpe ct to se e an incre asing
nu m b e r of produ cts b ase d on th e Ecl
atform .
M e asu ring th is pre cise l
y cou l
d b e e x-
tre m e l
y tim e consu m ing, b u t l
u ck il
th e re are som e tool
s th at h e l
p spot tre nds
Inde e d's job l
isting arch ive s
e 's Ne w s Arch ive s
R ob u stne ss
O ve r th e ye ars th e Ecl
ipse com m u nity
h as de al
t w ith q u ite a fe w e xte rnal
e ve nts
drive n by ou r com pe titors. W h ich raise s
an inte re sting point: if Ecl
ipse is a fre e
and ope n com m u nity w ith a dive rse com -
m e rcial
e cosyste m , w h o are its com pe tit-
ors? Th is is a b it of a sim pl
ification, b u t it
re al
y b oil
s dow n to tw o: M icrosoft and
Su n.
M icrosoft Visu al
Stu dio w as th e produ ct
w h ich Ecl
ipse w as original
y cre ate d to
com pe te w ith . Bu t in m any w ays, th e
com pe tition h as m orph e d into co- ope ti-
tion, as m any de ve l
ope rs u se b oth Ec-
ipse and Visu al
Stu dio (VS). Th e re are a
ot of de ve l
ope rs w h o u se VS for th e ir
.NET de ve l
opm e nt and Ecl
ipse for Java
and e ve ryth ing e l
se . So th e re are actu al
inte re sting sce narios w h e re inte rope rab il
ity b e tw e e n Ecl
ipse and M icrosoft
produ cts m ak e s se nse .
Th e com pe tition w ith Su n's de ve l
ope r
produ cts is m ore dire ct, as in m any w ays
w e are com pe ting for th e sam e de -
ve l
ope r: Java program m e rs. D e spite th e
fact th at Ecl
ipse doe s so m u ch m ore th an
Java tool
s, th is re m ains ou r k e y franch ise ,
and com m e rcial
e cosyste m opportu nity.
Visu al
Stu dio and Ecl
ipse can com pl
e -
m e nt one anoth e r. In m ost case s, Ne t-
Be ans and Ecl
ipse are su b stitu te s. As a
re su l
t, th e onl
y m ajor organiz ation de dic-
ate d to com pe ting h e ad- to- h e ad w ith th e
ipse com m u nity is Su n.
Bu t de spite l
arge inve stm e nts by Su n in
Ne tBe ans, th e m ark e t sh are and ou r
dow nl
oad nu m b e rs sh ow onl
y ste ady
grow th for Ecl
ipse . So cl
e arl
y th e rob u st-
ne ss of th e Ecl
ipse e cosyste m is ve ry h igh
and stil
grow ing.
Nich e Cre ation
Th e l
ast e l
e m e nt of e cosyste m h e al
th is
nich e cre ation, w h e re th e te ch nol
ogy is
y adopte d in ne w te ch nol
nich e s. D on't ge t confu se d: "nich e " is not
a synonym for e ith e r "sm al
" or "insigni-
ficant". Th ink m ore al
ong th e l
ine s of
"ne w " and "cool
Again, Ecl
ipse rate s ve ry h igh l
y. Ecl
ipse as
a pl
atform h as e xce l
e d in e nab l
ing nich e
cre ation. Its adaptab il
ity h as drive n
grow th and su cce ss in m any ne w te ch no-
ogy nich e s as q u ick l
y as th e y've b e e n cre -
ate d.
H e re are ju st a cou pl
e of re ce nt e xam pl
e s:
-- According to Linu x W atch , th e re is
cross- com m u nity inte re st in ral
arou nd Ecl
ipse as th e tool
s pl
atform for
Linu x Standard Base (LSB) de ve l
m e nt.

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