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Open Source Business Resource - OSBR July 07
Eclips e: A Prem ier
Open S ource Com m unity
"I l
ove d e ad l
ine s. I l
ik e th e w h oosh ing
sou nd th e y m ak e as th e y fl
y b y."
D ou gl
as Adam s
Th e Ecl
ipse com m u nity h as e stab l
ish e d
th e b e st e xisting m ode l
for m u l
e cor-
porations to cre ate innovation ne tw ork s,
e nab l
ing co- ope ration on th e de ve l
m e nt of produ ct- re ady ope n sou rce soft-
w are . Th is re al
y is th e b e st of b oth
w orl
ds: th e ope nne ss, transpare ncy and
m e ritocracy of ope n sou rce w ith th e re -
sou rce s and com m itm e nt of corporations
b oth l
arge and sm al
Th is articl
e de scrib e s som e of th e l
e ssons
e arne d ove r th e past five ye ars of grow th
of th e Ecl
ipse e cosyste m . Bu t first, it is
im portant to u nde rstand th e distinction
b e tw e e n th e Ecl
ipse te ch nol
ogy and th e
ipse Fou nd ation.
ipse is an ope n sou rce com m u nity,
w h ose proje cts are focu se d on b u il
an ope n de ve l
opm e nt pl
atform com -
prise d of e xte nsib l
e fram e w ork s, tool
and ru ntim e s for b u il
ding, de pl
oying and
m anaging softw are across th e l
ife cycl
e .
Th e re are ove r se ve nty proje cts h oste d at
ipse th at are focu se d on b u il
ding th e
ipse te ch nol
Th e Ecl
ipse Fou nd ation is a not- for-
profit, m e m b e r su pporte d corporation
th at h osts th e Ecl
ipse proje cts and h e l
cu l
tivate b oth an ope n sou rce com -
m u nity and an e cosyste m of com pl
e -
m e ntary produ cts and se rvice s.
A Brie f H istory
2001: IBM cre ate s
ipse .org
ipse 1.0 sh ips as a Java ID E. At th e
tim e , th e com m u nity w as prim aril
y m ade
u p of IBM and its partne rs. W e b e l
ie ve th e
e arl
y de cision to ru n Ecl
ipse as th e m ar-
riage of an ope n sou rce proje ct com -
m u nity and an indu stry consortiu m h as
b e e n a m ajor sou rce of ou r com m u nity's
e ndu ring stre ngth and grow th .
2002, 2003: Ecl
ipse 2.0 and 2.1 sh ip and
ipse b e gins to re al
y com e into its ow n
as a tool
s inte gration pl
atform . Th e con-
sortiu m arou nd Ecl
ipse starts to grow
q u ick l
y and b e gins to sh ow l
ife as a re al
indu stry force . O rganiz ations b e gin to
tru st th e q u al
ity and pre dictab il
ity of
ipse te ch nol
ogy re l
e ase s e nou gh to
m ak e significant produ ct b e ts and inve st-
m e nts on th e pl
atform .
2004: Ecl
ipse 3.0 sh ips, and th e Ecl
Fou ndation is form e d. Th is ne w ve rsion
is a w ate rsh e d b e cau se it m igrate s th e
u g- in m ode l
to an ope n standard
) im pl
e m e ntation and incl
u de s an
ope n R ich Cl
ie nt Pl
atform (RCP). Ecl
starts to b roade n su pport from a tool
s in-
te gration pl
atform to an appl
ication in-
te gration pl
atform for th e de sk top. It is
inte re sting to note th at RCP l
arge l
y cam e
into b e ing b e cau se of com m u nity in-
te re st. Enou gh pe opl
e w e re ripping th e
ID E b its ou t of Ecl
ipse 2.1 to b u il
de sk top appl
ications on top th at it b e -
cam e obviou s th at doing it once and do-
ing it w e l
w as th e obviou s ch oice .
Ve ndor Ne u tral
Gove rnance M ode l
Th e Ecl
ipse Proje ct w as original
y cre ate d
by IBM in Nove m b e r 2001 and su pporte d
by a consortiu m of softw are ve ndors. Th e
ipse Fou ndation w as cre ate d in Janu -
ary 2004 as an inde pe nde nt not- for- profit
corporation to act as th e ste w ard of th e
ipse com m u nity. Th e inde pe nde nt
not- for- profit corporation w as cre ate d to
ow a ve ndor ne u tral
and ope n, trans-
pare nt com m u nity to b e e stab l
ish e d
arou nd Ecl
ipse .
Th e Ecl
ipse Fou ndation w as su cce ssfu l
prom oting its inde pe nde nce in 2004,
e ading to th e rapid e xpansion in stra-
te gic m e m b e rsh ip in 2005. Estab l
ish ing
ipse as an inde pe nde nt e ntity took
som e tim e and e ffort.

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