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Open Source Business Resource - OSBR July 07
Eclips e: A Prem ier
Open S ource Com m unity
-- W ith in days of Appl
e sh ipping th e
iPh one , Aptana sh ippe d its Ecl
b ase d, EPL (Ecl
ipse Pu b l
ic Lice nse )
ice nse d Inte grate d D e ve l
opm e nt
Environm e nt (ID E) for iPh one
de ve l
opm e nt.
-- Ve rigy re ce ntl
y sh ippe d its se m icon-
du ctor te st sol
u tion w h ich l
e ve rage s
ipse to provide " active h ard-
w are vie w , w h ich provide s th e u se r w ith
an intu itive , graph ical
vie w of th e R F
(Radio Fre q u e ncy) m e asu re m e nt b l
diagram , and th e ab il
ity to e xport R F
se tu ps to te st m e th od te m pl
ate s...".
Su m m ary
ipse today provide s a w e al
th of
com m e rcial
opportu nity
th e
participants w ith in its e cosyste m . Ju st as
im portantl
y, Ecl
ipse offe rs com panie s
and individu al
s m e ch anism s to e stab l
and grow innovation ne tw ork s for
ab orative
de ve l
opm e nt
ne w
te ch nol
ogie s. Th ose of u s w h o w ork
w ith in th e Ecl
ipse com m u nity are ve ry
e xcite d ab ou t th e road ah e ad. W e h ave a
ch al
e nging m ission to cre ate an ope n
de ve l
opm e nt
atform ,
am az ing
w e al
th of de ve l
opm e nt tal
e nt am ongst
ou r com m itte r popu l
ation, and a vib rant
and h e al
th y e cosyste m .
M ik e M il
ink ovich is th e Exe cu tive D ire ctor
of th e Ecl
ipse Fou nd ation. In th e past, h e
h as h e l
d k e y m anage m e nt positions w ith
O racl
e , W e b Gain, Th e O b je ct Pe opl
e , and
O b je ct Te ch nol
ogy Inte rnational
(w h ich su b se q u e ntl
y b e cam e a w h ol
ow ne d su b sid iary of IBM ), assu m ing
re sponsib il
ity for d e ve l
opm e nt, prod u ct
m anage m e nt,
m ark e ting,
strate gic
b u sine ss
d e ve l
opm e nt.
D onal
d Sm ith is D ire ctor of Ecosyste m
D e ve l
opm e nt for th e Ecl
ipse Fou nd ation,
an ind e pe nd e nt not- for- profit fou nd ation
su pporting th e Ecl
ipse ope n sou rce
com m u nity. H e b rings ove r a d e cad e of
w orl
d w id e ind u stry e xpe rie nce , from
sm al
"d ot- com " th rou gh Fortu ne 50
com panie s. D onal
d spe ak s re gu l
y at
b oth te ch nical
and b u sine ss orie nte d
confe re nce s.
R e com m e nde d R e ading
Iansiti, M , and Le vie n, R ., Strate gy as
ogy, H arvard Bu sine ss Re vie w , M arch

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