Mrs. Bluezette's Grammar Guide
little prepositions: don't forget me
It's so easy to leave out the little guys, the prepositions.
Don't forget "of" after "couple" and "type."
We need a couple OF editors.
(not: "We need a couple editors.")
They don't use that type OF camera anymore.
(not: "They don't use that type camera anymore.")
And Mrs. B hopes you won't get careless and leave out the second
preposition, assuming you've covered it with the first.
Our special projects photog has a great interest IN, as well as a
deep respect FOR, fine fountain pens.
(not: "Our special projects photog has a great interest, as well as
a deep respect for, fine fountain pens.")
Our 5:00 anchor has appeared IN promos and ON billboards.
(not: "Our 5:00 anchor has appeared in promos and billboards.")
Before we leave prepositions today, note that "sure" takes "to," not
Be sure TO come back for a lesson on the difference between
percent and percentage."
(not: "Be sure and come back for a lesson on the difference
between percent and percentage.")