NewsBlues mrsbgrammar Page 180
Mrs. Bluezette's Grammar Guide
Mrs. B thinks it's time for a review of the words "cache" and
"cachet," pronunciations as well as definitions.
A letter from Glendale, Calif., inspired today's lesson.
"Don't know if you've covered this one before, but some people
are in the habit of pronouncing the word `cache' as `cachet.' This
morning I cringed as a local radio reporter referred to a
CACHET of weapons."
Dave Kunz, producer and automotive specialist
Mrs. B's friend Jill Geisler at The Poynter Institute wrote about a
similar mistake.
"On CNN today, an anchor referred to a "cache" of weapons as a
'Ca-SHAY.' "
A "cache" is a store of goods in a hiding place.
In the examples above, the goods were weapons.
"Cache" is pronounced like "cash."
A "cachet" is an official seal or stamp on a letter or other document;
it's also a commemorative postmark.
"Cachet" is pronounced ca-SHAY.
The CACHET honors the birth of The Reverend Martin Luther
King, Jr.