NewsBlues mrsbgrammar Page 173
Chapter 4 Pronunciations
frustrated, intravenous, prostate/prostrate , forte
This morning Mrs. B heard a word mispronounced on NPR, of all
places, that made the left side of her face twitch: "FUSS-trated."
Don't forget.
Both syllables in FRUS-TRATED have an "r."
INTRAVENOUS all too often comes out of unsuspecting mouths
with five syllables:
It has only four: "in-tra-VEEN-us."
And even though Andy Sipowicz talked about his painful "prostrate"
operation a few seasons ago, "NYPD Blue" writers knew they'd get
a chuckle.
Don't forget.
PROSTATE refers to the male gland at the base of the bladder.
It has only one "r," and it's in the first syllable.
PROSTRATE as an adjective can mean lying down at full length,
physically or emotionally incapacitated, helpless or dejected.
It has an "r" in each syllable.
Andy was so frustrated with the intravenous feeding he had to
endure after his PROSTATE operation that he lay PROSTRATE
in the hospital bed.
And if your FORTE is storytelling, you'll pronounce the French
word "fort."
If you sing in the church choir, you know the Italian word FORTE
means loud, and you'll pronounce it "for-TAY."