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NewsBlues - mrsbgrammar
Chapter 2 Word Choice
preposition at end of sentence
Here's a tip Mrs. B thinks you're going to like and one that may
surprise you.
You don't have to turn cartwheels to avoid putting a preposition at
the end of the sentence.
There's nothing wrong with asking:
Where are you from?

How awkward sounding is: "From where are you?"

There's nothing ungrammatical about saying:
Here's something to think about.

It sure beats: "Here's something about which to think."

And think of the strength this sentence would lose if you moved the
preposition from the end:
How you deal with setbacks and tragedies is where character
comes from.

A preposition at the end of a sentence is better than an awkward
phrase, anytime.

When Winston Churchill was publicly criticized for putting
prepositions at the end of sentences, he said, "This is the sort of
English up with which I will not put."

A statesman and a humorist, that Sir Winston.
Were he alive, Mrs. B would have a crush on him.

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