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Appalachian Trailplace - sample pages
The Thru-hiker's Handbook
Copyright © 2003 Dan Bruce
All rights reserved
No part of this work may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, distributed, or
shared in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying
and recording systems, information storage-and-retrieval systems, and public or private
commercial or non-commercial electronic networks and computerized information
services), for any purpose whatsoever without written permission from the author,
who is solely responsible for its content.
Cover Photo: "A.T. in Green Mountains" © 2000 Andrew "Geezer" Miller
Center for Appalachian Trail Studies
1800 Brandy Woods Trail SE
Conyers, GA 30013-3039
770-679-0633 (Mon-Fri 10am-8pm)
ISBN 0-9707916-3-1
Printed in the United States of America
2003 Edition
About the Center for Appalachian Trail Studies
The Center for Appalachian Trail Studies is a publishing house and information
clearinghouse founded in 1993 to serve the public. Our number-one priority is helping
A.T. hikers, from the novice to the very experienced, enjoy their time on the Trail as
much as we have. Two things set us apart from other Appalachian Trail organizations
and services--first, we are veteran A.T. hikers with years of experience, which means
that we think first and foremost like hikers; second, all of our energies and resources
are devoted to providing user-friendly interpretive publications and services that satisfy
the needs of hikers. In addition to publications, the Center offers a wide variety of
free information on the Internet. Profits from the sale of our books are used to support
the programs of the Center, including our Internet services, and we welcome donations.
For general information about the Center and/or all types of hiking on the Appalachian
Trail, check our website at <> on the Internet.
How to Give Us Feedback
Users of this guide are requested to give us feedback. Information, suggestions, and/or
corrections for the 2004 edition can be sent to "Handbook" c/o the Center at the
address shown above, or you can e-mail information to <>.

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