This street-wise 49cc scooter is the
best way to save you money while you
get around town. Black or White.
SUZUki FeSt priCe $1,995
riDeAWAy priCe iNClUDiNG WoF
& 6 MoNtHS reGiStrAtioN
AN400k7 bUrGMAN
Now here's a great way to see the
country or just get back and forth
to work everyday. Grey, Blue.
SUZUki FeSt priCe $9,500
SAVe $1,500!
New Zealand's leading style-setter
even has a charger for your cellphone
or iPod. Blue, Grey or Silver.
SUZUki FeSt priCe $2,695
riDeAWAy priCe iNClUDiNG WoF
& 6 MoNtHS reGiStrAtioN
Let's get started
Take it easy
Setting the style comes easy
with New Zealand's leading range
of commuters. Whisper quiet and
easy to ride, but with the power
you need to scoot through the
city or out for a long weekend
ride. loaded with features from
on-board alarm systems to
ipod chargers and more, you'll
discover a new sense of freedom
and put the fun back into
everyday commuting.
For details of all Suzuki Fest offers refer to IMPORTANT INFORMATION on page 16