Where dreams take flight
C50 (Vl800k7)
Possibly the best looker in the line-
up and a very comfortable ride.
Black, Red/Black, White/Silver.
SUZUki FeSt priCe $10,990
SAVe $2,000!
M109r (VZr1800k7)
Serious V-twin power cruiser with huge
attitude. With acres of chrome and
stunning detail. Black, Red, White.
SUZUki FeSt priCe $19,995
WitH 25% DepoSit, No pAyMeNtS For
6 MoNtHS tHeN 18 reGUlAr MoNtHly
pAyMeNtS WitH 0% iNtereSt
M50 (VZ800k7)
Excellent muscle cruiser that
looks the business and rides
like a dream. Black only.
SUZUki FeSt priCe $11,495
Cruising through
the outskirts of
Feilding, we head for
Taonui aerodrome
to check out some
other ways to fly.