You may see two more new functions (DMCRefreshDataRecord and
DMCGetDataRecord) defined in the header file DMCCOM.H. Do not use
these functions at this time. More information will be provided in
a later release.
2.02 December 13, 1995
The DLLs would not report an interrupt when a Limit Switch or
Excess Position Error interrupt occurred. This has been corrected.
2.01 December 12, 1995
Fixed the DMCSend function to properly return DMCERROR_COMMAND when
there is a command error in the send file stream. Also fixed the
DMCGetGalilRegistryInfo function to return DMCERROR_CONTROLLER when
the controller is not found in the Windows registry.
2.00 November 6, 1995
Switched the compiler for the DLLs and EXEs from Borland to
Microsoft. Also did much performance tuning to the 32 bit DLLs.
Speed was increased in some cases up to a factor of four.
Developers must recompile their projects in order to upgrade to
this version.
1.13 October 25, 1995
The function DMCDownloadFromBuffer could go into an endless loop in
some situations. This has been corrected.
1.12 October 9, 1995
Changed the address and phone numbers for the Help | About menu
item for DMCTERM, DTERM32, DMCREG, and DMCREG32. Increased the
timer interval from 100 to 250 ms for the terminal programs.
Changed the DMCGetUnsolicitedResponse function so that any
unretrieved data (because the user buffer was too small perhaps)
will remain in the internal unsolicited response buffer until