2.17 July 9, 1996
The number of available file handles was increased for DMCBUS16.DLL
and DMCSER16.DLL using a special Microsoft C run-time library.
This was done to allow programming in Visual Basic which uses a
large number of file handles when the IDE is active. This change
should be transparent to most users. DMCBUS16.DLL and DMCBUS32.DLL
were changed so that if communications can not be established with
a controller either because it has the wrong address or simply
isn't present, the software will not hang. Also changed was the
DMCSER32.DLL to allow sharing of communications ports when
establishing a communications session. This seems to fix a problem
on lap top machines running Windows 95. Some of these machines do
not allow exclusive use of a communications port. Finally, the
hardware handshake requirement for DMCSER16.DLL and DMCSER32.DLL
was tightened up. You must use hardware handshake when attempting
to communciate with Galil serial controllers.
2.16 June 20, 1996
New WinRT drivers are being included. The Terminal and Registry
programs should re-paint themselves better. This was a bug noticed
on Windows NT 4.0 beta only but has been fixed.
2.15 June 3, 1996
The UL and LS commands are special cases for the DMCCommand
function because they can return a '?' in the response string
without meaning an error occurred. A '?' is a legitimate character
for DMC programs. Special case handling was put into DMCCommand
for these commands, so as not to mistakenly report an error when
none has occurred.
The DMCWIN installation directory structure was changed in order to
better organize the files which are distributed.
A C++ class library to access the DMCWIN API was added, along with
a sample program written with Microsoft Visual C++ using MFC.