8. etc.
Executing multiple commands per line:
Consider if the same commands are executed as one command string:
In this configuration, the execution of these commands will take approx
1000 msec as seen by the following.
1. The computer sends a packet with the command MO.
2. The controller sends an acknowledgement of the packet
3. The controller executes the command MO and sends a packet
with the response, ":"
4. The computer is not ready to send the next command since all
previous commands sent have not been executed. After the
Time-Out period (200 msec), the computer sends the
5. The controller executes the next command SH and sends a
packet with the response, ":"
6. The computer is not ready to send the next command since all
previous commands sent have not been executed. After the
Time-Out period (200 msec), the computer sends the
7. etc.