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Galil Motion Control - smmov
The 32-bit interface software avail-
able with Galil controllers was useful to
Lab Connections because they were writ-
ing in C++ on a 32-bit Windows plat-
form. The high-level functions available
with Galil reduced the programming
effort. According to one designer,
"Everything we needed was there."
Galil Motion Control, Inc. · 800-377-6329 ·
sing a Galil motion controller,
Lab Connections in MA has
developed a high-performance,
fully automated instrument for analytical
chemists who need to identify and ana-
lyze various materials. The instrument,
called the Series 500, takes output from a
chromatograph machine, which separates
the material, and automatically sprays its
components onto a track so that it can be
analyzed by a spectroscopy machine.
The material remains as a painted
track that the user can specify as a
sequence of dots, strips, serpentine, or
other, over a certain time period.
Previously, a disk was rotated allowing
only one shape to be prescribed.
The Series 500 is highly useful to
analytical chemists in a variety of indus-
tries. A pharmaceutical company, for
example, might want to look at impuri-
ties of certain drugs. A food manufacturer
might want to analyze ingredients in a
competitive product. Or law enforcement
might need to analyze urine for drugs.
Lab Connections' LC-Transform
Series 500 interface incorporates the Galil
DMC-1720 two-axis ISA controller.
Galil Controller Enhances Flexibility in
Analytical Instrument.
A fully computerized system deposits material precisely
for chemical analysis.
The fully computerized
system has a nebulizer noz-
zle that takes liquid output
from a chromatograph
machine and sprays it in a
controlled manner onto a
moving target. The spray
solvent evaporates during
the process leaving only the
material to be analyzed.
The Galil controller's vari-
ous modes of motions allow for
these various patterns to be
described in the material to be ana-
lyzed. These modes include both linear
and circular interpolation, as well as
relative and absolute positioning.
The Galil controller used is the DMC-
1720 two-axis ISA. The motion con-
troller controls the XY stage that moves
precisely under the nebulizer nozzle. This
stage holds a special deposit surface to
capture the material. The chemist enters
motion data, such as track shape and
time, into a front-end interface program.
The sample stage is moved beneath the nebulizer
spray in complex, preprogrammed patterns by the
Galil DMC-1720.

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