SmartTERM, DMCSetup, MCS
Galil Utilities
Galil Utilities
All Galil software programs can be downloaded from
the Galil website or accessed from the CD-ROM.All nec-
essary device drivers and DLL's are included for current
Windows operating systems.
SmartTERM--Terminal program for sending com-
mands, downloading and editing programs, and updat-
ing flash firmware.Also includes DMCNet, an Ethernet
utility for detecting and addressing Ethernet controllers.
DMCSetup--Utility to upload, download, view, and
save burned in parameters to disk.
DMCDOS--Utility programs and example source code
for communicating in the DOS environment.
DMCQNX--QNX utilities
LinuxTerm--LinuxTerminal and Linux PCI/ISA drivers.
Galil's set-up software is for easily displaying and
editing the configuration parameters of Galil con-
trollers.You can see the contents of the controller
registers "at a glance."
You can view motor type, filter parameters,
default settings, switch status, etc.To change a
parameter, you merely "click" on that parameter
with the mouse and enter a new value.This makes
setting up the controller a snap.
The software tool also lets you save (and load)
parameters to (and from) a file.This is useful prior to
master resets or changing firmware.The software
also has a terminal and on-line help.This software is
included on the Galil software CD.
MCS --
Motion Component Selector
The Motion Component Selector software provides
the designer with a tool to select the proper ele-
ments for a motion system including motors,
amplifiers, and controllers.The menu-driven soft-
ware prompts the designer to enter appropriate
system data such as load type, inertia and motion
profile. MCS then performs a mathematical analy-
sis and selects the appropriate motors and ampli-
fiers for the system. A print function provides the
designer with a written report of the analysis and
component selection.
Performs motor and amplifier sizing for specified
load and motion requirements
Analyzes rotary, lead screw, belt drive, and rack &
pinion applications
Menu driven for easy entry of data
Provides print feature for generating written
Galil Motion Control, Inc.