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Galil Motion Control - 2004catalog
AMP-20540 Interconnect with Four 500 Watt Servo Drives
The AMP-20540 contains four transconductance, PWM amplifiers for
driving brushless or brush-type servo motors up to 500 Watts.Each ampli-
fier drives motors operating at 18­60 VDC, up to 7 Amps continuous,
10 Amps peak (90 V is available upon request).The gain settings of
the amplifier are user-programmable at 0.4 Amp/Volt, 0.7 Amp/Volt
and 1 Amp/Volt.The switching frequency is 60 kHz.The amplifier offers
protection for over-voltage, under-voltage, over-current, short-circuit and
over-temperature.The amplifier status can be read through the DMC-21x3
controller, and the BS command allows easy hall sensor set-up. A 2-axis
amplifier board, the AMP-20520 is also available. For eight-axis applica-
tions, one AMP-20540 can be used to drive the first four axes and an
ICM-20100, ICM-20105, SDM-20240, AMP-20340 or AMP-20440 may be
used on the second four axes.Two AMP-20540 boards cannot be used on a
DMC-2183 8-axis controller
due to physical size con-
straints.The DB-28040 I/O
board will not install next
to an AMP-20540, however
the AMP-20540 provides 8
uncommitted analog inputs
with 12-bit ADC (16-bit
optional).6.92" x 4.85".
CE certified
DMC-21x2 and DMC-21x3 Series
Ethernet/RS232 Econo 1­ 8 axes
SDM-20240 Interconnect with Four 1.4 A Stepper Drives
The SDM-20240 contains four drives for operating two-phase bipolar step
motors.The SDM-20240 requires a single 12­30 DC Volt input.The SDM
is user-configurable for 1.4 A, 1.0 A, 0.75 A, or 0.5 A per phase and full or
half-step (microstepping option available 1st quarter 2004).A heatsink
may be required depending on the environment and adequate airflow
across the board is recommended.The SDM uses 9-pin D-sub connectors
for encoder and limit connections on each axis and a 25-pin D-sub connec-
tor for I/O connections. 4.25"
Above SDM-20240 Interconnect
alone with four stepper drives
and below attached to the DMC-
21x3 (vertical connector mount:
96-pin in UP configuration).
Shown without heatsinks
Interconnect with four
200 W servo drives
AMP-20440 Interconnect with Four 200 Watt Servo Drives
The AMP-20440 contains four transconductance, PWM amplifiers for
driving brush-type servo motors up to 200 Watts.Each amplifier drives
20­60 VDC, up to 3.3 Amps.No external heat sink is required.The
AMP-20440 uses 2-pin Molex connectors for each motor and a 15-pin
high density "D"connector for encoder, limits and home for each axis.A
single 44-pin high density "D"connector is used for additional I/O signals.
A 4-pin Molex is used for the DC voltage input from a single DC power
supply ranging from 20­60 Volts.A two axis version, the AMP-20420 is
also available.4.95" x 3.75".
Interconnect with four
500 W servo drives
Galil Motion Control, Inc.

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