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Galil Motion Control - 2004catalog
DMC-21x2 and DMC-21x3 Series
Ethernet/RS232 Econo 1­ 8 axes
Several interconnect cards are available for the DMC-21x3 controller which
mount directly to the DMC-21x3 96-pin DIN connector without a cable
between the controller and interconnect.Interconnect cards are available
with on-board drives for stepper motors or servo motors or with D-type
connectors for easy interface to external drives.One interconnect module
is required for each set of four axes.
Galil also designs custom interconnect and amplifier boards for higher
power and different amplifier types per axis.
DMC-21x3 Interconnect Modules--
Left to right: ICM-20100, AMP-20340 for servos, SDM-20240 for steppers
­ 0.210
0.125 (X2)
DMC-2143 Interconnect Mounting Dimensions
Overall Dimensions: 3.7" x 4.25"
DMC-21x3 Interconnect and Amplifier Options
AMP-20340 Interconnect with Four 20 W Servo Drives
The AMP-20340 contains four linear drives for operating small brush-type
servo motors.The AMP-20340 requires a single 12­36 DC Volt input.
Output power is 20 W per amplifier or 60 W total.The gain of each
transconductance linear amplifier is 0.1 A/V at 1 A maximum current.
The typical current loop bandwidth is 4 kHz.The AMP-20340 uses 15-pin
D-sub connectors for encoder and limit connections on each axis and a
25-pin D-sub connector for I/O connections.4.25"
ICM-20100 Interconnect Module
The ICM-20100 breaks out the 96-pin connector into convenient D-sub
connectors for easy interface to external amplifiers and I/O devices.The
ICM-20100 provides 15-pin D-sub connectors for each of the four axes
and 25-pin D-sub connectors for the auxiliary encoders and I/O.The ICM
may be configured for High or Low amp enable.The ICM-20100 mounts
directly to the 96-pin connector on the DMC-21x3.4.25"
ICM-20105 Interconnect with Optically Isolated I/O
The ICM-20105 provides optical isolation for DMC-21x3 inputs and out-
puts, and breaks out the 96-pin connector into convenient D-sub connec-
tors for easy interface to external amplifiers and I/O devices.The ICM-
20105 provides four 15-pin D-sub connectors for each of the four axes,
a 37-pin D-sub for the digital I/O, home and limits, and a 25-pin D-sub for
the auxiliary encoders.The maximum common voltage for the I/O is
28 VDC. Eight 500 mA highside drive outputs are available (total cur-
rent not to exceed 3 A).The ICM-20105 is user-configurable for a broad
range of amplifier enable options including:High amp enable, Low amp
enable, 5V logic, 12V logic, external voltage supplies up to 24V and sinking
or sourcing.The ICM-20105 mounts directly to the 96-pin connector on
the DMC-21x3.4.25" x 3.70"
DMC-2183 8-axis
controller with
mounted ICM-20100
and AMP-20340
Galil Motion Control, Inc.

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