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Galil Motion Control - catalog
Galil Smart Moves Partner
Galil Motion Control, Inc.
arlec, a company in upstate
New York, makes innovative
products that preset and then
measure machine tools for accuracy.
Their products speed job setups,
reduce scrap, and simplify CNC pro-
gramming. The company, which pro-
duces the best selling tool-measuring
machines in America, has used Galil
motion controllers in their products
for the past seven years.
Galil's DMC-720, a rugged stand-
alone motion controller, is at the heart
of Parlec's Presetter, a device that mea-
sures tool assemblies off-line while the
CNC machine tool continues to cut
chips. The Presetter ensures that the tool
used in its customer's machine tool is
using the proper settings to achieve the
exact dimensions required, for example,
that a bore is sized correctly.
The Galil motion controller automat-
ically positions the measuring device up
to the tool in question so that the
machine operator does not have to man-
ually position the device. Automatic
positioning by the controller is more
Parlec's Presetter TMM
1000 with the
P6C-2500 graphics control option uses the
Galil DMC-720.
Parlec and Galil Team Up to Increase
Throughput and Accuracy in Machine
Tool Industry.
If you're doing precision work, it's essential that the machine tools
you're using maintain their accuracy while doing the job they're
supposed to do. That's where Parlec and Galil are helping to
increase accuracy, speed and throughput in many industrial settings.
accurate, quicker and safer than
manual positioning. Use of the
controller also increases
throughput, since the machine
tool now can run continuously
without the operator having to
stop the machine to measure
the tool and modify parameters.
Parlec engineers like the
wide array of features provided by Galil
motion controllers. According to Victor
Wittles of Parlec, "Anytime I wanted to
do anything, Galil had the feature to
do it."
In addition to utilizing the Galil
controller's motion capabilities, Parlec
uses the DMC-720's analog inputs to
control a joystick and to monitor tem-
perature. It uses the DMC-720's digital
inputs to capture the exact position on
an input and its digital outputs to
switch relays. The controller's variables
are used to change parameters.
Parlec also appreciates that Galil lis-
tens to its customers. For example, in
response to Parlec's specific needs, Galil
modified the controller firmware to
allow Parlec to calculate the exact posi-
tion on a special reference mark from
its linear encoder manufacturer. As a
result, the company eliminated extra
switches and shortened the encoder
length, reducing overall cost.
Parlec's new Parsetter TMM line
offers manufacturers strategies and sys-
tems for off-line tool measuring, tool
crib management, communicating with
CNC control systems, and managing
shop systems and operations. The com-
pany's systems are available in a variety
of configurations from small, bench-top
optical units to high-end electronic and
precision video measuring systems. They
are built to perform with a high degree
of accuracy yet can withstand the heavy
use and exposure common in most
industrial environments.
Parlec is located in Fairport,
New York.
il's DMC-720, a rugged stand-alone motion
controller, is at the heart of Parlec's Presetter, a device
that automatically measures a machine tool while
the tool i
s on the job.

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