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Galil Motion Control - catalog
company called Modern
Techniques is accomplishing just
that with the help of precision
Galil motion controllers.
Modern Techniques is dedicated to
the over-all computerization of carpet
tufting plants, from ordering and inven-
torying yarn, to controlling production
processes and data through beaming,
tufting, finishing and final inventory of
the finished carpet. Unlike other compa-
nies, MTI offers a modular system to
accomplish this. Thus a mill can comput-
erize on a step-by-step basis to fit its
budget. Each component works as a
stand-alone module that can eventually
become part of an entire network.
The Georgia company uses Galil
DMC-1000 series motion controllers in
several combinations of axes, from six to
15 axes per controller, to control the vari-
ous processes in the production of the car-
pet. It utilizes Galil motion controllers on
two types of carpet tufting machines: on
broad width machines for producing 12- to
15-foot widths of carpet and on mini
broad looms, or sample tufting machines,
for producing samples so that designers
can test and select patterns.
Modern's 100% computerized, 1/10 gauge
in-line sample machine with 120 roll,
3-pile height, scroll attachment in place
and shown at Shaw Industries.
Galil Controllers Help Modern
Techniques Computerize
Carpet Industry.
Imagine a carpet mill completely computerized, from creating the
patterns to ordering the yarn to producing the finished carpet.
Imagine changing the design or the depth of the pile, with a few
strokes of the computer.
In the past, carpet tuft-
ing was a totally mechanical
process, using cams, belts and
pulleys. To change a style of car-
pet, the operator had to change
all the mechanics, a time-consum-
ing operation. Now, the process is
computer driven and styles are changed
The new method saves time, reduces
error and allows many more styles to be
created. Special software allows the
designer to input pile height, stitch rate,
needle bar and color sequence without
changing any mechanics. The operator
inputs are then translated into a motion
path by the computer for the Galil
motion controller to follow.
Galil's electronic gearing and ECAM
modes are particularly important in this
process. Using the electronic gearing
mode, the moving needle bar (which can
contain from 100 to 2000 needles) is
geared to the master encoder on the main
shaft of the tufting machine. This allows
yarn placement in the carpet to be varied
on the fly, creating unique patterns.
Designers have found the Galil con-
trollers easy to program and easy to change.
The array feature allows the designers to
save important data such as yarn feedrate.
This allows them to build generic programs
for repeated patterns.
The company is improving its machines
so that they can move a 250-pound load .5
inches in 25 msec with .001" accuracy (the
current speed is 50 msec) and has found
that the Galil motion controllers can easily
keep up with this increased speed.
Modern Techniques is currently the
leading manufacturer that offers a com-
plete, computer-controlled sample tufting
machine. The company also offers retrofit
kits to allow the customer to computerize
an existing machine instead of buying an
entire new machine. Their equipment is
being utilized in fourteen of the top
twenty contract mills.
Modern Techniques is located in
Ringgold, Georgia at 706-965-9065.
Modern Techniques has found Galil motion
controllers to be cost effective and easy to use.
Galil Smart Moves Partner

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