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Galil Motion Control - 1500
DMC-1500 Stand-alone RS232 Controller
provided for forward and reverse lim-
its, abort, home, and definable input
The DMC-1500's intuitive pro-
gramming language is easy to use and
includes 254 user-defined variables,
plus arithmetical operations and
functions. Multiple arrays allow for
real-time data capture of up to 8000
elements. Additional software is
available to autotune, view trajecto-
ries on a PC screen, translate
AutoCAD files into motion, and cre-
ate powerful, application-specific
operator interfaces with Visual Basic.
Other DMC-1500 features
include relative and absolute posi-
tioning with ±2 billion counts per
move; non-volatile EEPROM memo-
ry for user programs, multitasking for
simultaneous execution of four inde-
pendent user programs, sophisticated
error handling, and programmable
event triggers.
Independent Axis Positioning: In
this mode, each axis follows its own
prescribed profile. The user specifies
the desired absolute position (PA) or
relative position (PR), along with the
acceleration rate (AC), deceleration
rate (DC), and slew speed (SP).
Position can be interrogated at any
time using the tell position (TP)
Jogging: The jog mode allows the user
to command each motor to run at a
prescribed jog speed. The user specifies
the jog speed (JG), the acceleration rate
(AC), and the deceleration rate (DC).
On begin (BG), the motor accelerates
up to the jog speed and continues at
that speed until a new speed or stop
command (ST) is issued. The direction
of motion is specified by the sign of
the JG parameter. The JG, AC, and
DC parameters can be changed at any
time during motion. Average speed can
be interrogated at any time using the
tell velocity (TV) command.
Linear Interpolation: The DMC-1500
provides a linear interpolation mode
for any combination of 8 axes. Here,
motion between the axes is coordi-
nated to maintain the prescribed vec-
tor speed (VS), acceleration rate (VA),
and deceleration rate (VD) along the
specified path. The path is described
by incremental distances (LI) for each
axis. Several LI segments can be
given prior to and during motion
allowing infinite paths to be followed
without stopping. There is no limit
to the total move length.
2-D Coordinated Motion -- Linear and
Circular Interpolation:
The DMC-
1500's coordinated motion mode
(VM) makes it easy to follow a two-
dimensional path consisting of multi-
ple straight-line and arc segments.
Here, the user programs linear moves
Modes of Motion
Stand-alone RS232
2-D Circular Path
D (0,3000)
B (-4000,0)
A (0,0)

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