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ETA-USA - PFC SX (Page 3)

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ETA-USA Tel: 408-778-2793 Fax: 408-779-2753 e-mail:
PFC**SX Specification
S p ecificatio n s
P F C **S X -U
75W A T T S (P eak 150W )/S IN G L E
O utput V oltage [V ]
O utput C urrent [A ]
V oltage A djust R ange
R ipple and N oise [m V p-p](m axim um ) *3
R egulation
Line R egulation [m V ](m axim um )
Load R egulation [m V ](m axim um )
T em perature C oefficient *4
D rift[m V ](m axim um ) *5
D ynam ic Load R egulation [m V ](typical) *6
R ecovery T im e *6
R ise up tim e
H old up tim e
R em ote S ense
R em ote O n/O ff
P ow er F ail D etection
P arallel/series O peration
O perating T em perature *7
O perating H um idity
S torage T em perature
S torage H um idity
Isolation R esistance
V ibration
S hock
C ooling
? Leakage C urrent
? Line H am onic D istortion
? S afety
W eight (typical)
? M T B F [H ]
? S w itching F requency[kH z](typical)
-20 to + 85
O u tp u t C h aracteristic
M o d el
*5 for 7hour period after 1hour w arm -up at 25 and rated input/output
O vervoltage P rotection 110% of R ated O utput V oltage[V ]
not available
not available
not available
E n viro n m en tal
-10 to + 50
20 to 85% /R H (non-condensing)
P F C 12S X -U
P F C 24S X -U
P F C 36S X -U
6.3(P eak12.6)
3.2(P eak6.4)
2.1(P eak4.2)
+ /-10% of R ated O utput V oltage(at no load w ithin the input range)
0.03% /
0.5m S (typical)
600m S (m axim um ) at 25 and rated input/output
50m S (m inim um ) at 25 and rated input/output
F u n ctio n s
output shutdow n(to reset,leave 3m inutes after shut-off)
10 to 85% /R H (non-condensing)
W ithstanding V oltage
P rim ary-S econdary A C 3,000V for 1m inute
P rim ary-F ram e G round A C 2,500V for 1m inute
S econdary-F ram e G round A C 500V for 1m inute
P rim ary-S econdary-F ram e G round 50M (m inim um ) by D C 500V insulation tester
5-10H z:10m m double am plitude,10-55H z:19.6m /s
,20m inutes' period for 60m inutes each along X ,Y ,Z axes(non-operating)
296m /s
C onvection
0.75m A (m axim um ) at 25,rated input/output and rated input frequency
? Line C onducted N oise
B uilt to m eet F C C P art15-B C lass B
B uilt to m eet V C C I C lass B
B uilt to m eet E N 55022 C lass B
B uilt to m eet IE C 61000-3-2
U L: U L1950
C -U L: C S A C 22.2 N o.950
V D E E N 60950, IE C 950, V D E 0805
*6 w hen output current changed from 50% to 150% of rated output current rapidly at rated input
*7 safety approved at 25
480g/enclosed type:600g
C onditions:
*1at cold start
*2 at A C 100 input,rated output and 25
*3 m easured by a bayonet probe at the output connector at a 0 to 100M H z bandw idth
*4 at -10 to + 50

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