Lego educatorguide Page 15
As a part of the awards program, you can have special movie presentation when parents
visit the school. Ask parents and others to comment and provide feedback on the film.
Provide them with an easy way to make comments on paper, online or verbally to
students, e.g. you can place posters around the walls with the titles of the films and
invite people to record comments.
Other Ideas
· Instead of an awards show, ask students to prepare a rubric and then evaluate their
own films and at least one other film. How do they want their films to be evaluated?
What was important to them? What type of feedback would be most helpful? What
do they want others to see and think about when they view the films?
· If you would like to send films to a larger Web site, you might want to consider
ThinkQuest. In 1999, nearly 10,000 students and teachers from 75 countries
participated in ThinkQuest at