Pupil Worksheet
The Cannon Attack
A photoelectric cell will register if a log is
approaching. When the cell is activated the
following set of instructions will run:
wait x seconds
start motor A to turn the turntable to
the left
start the `cannon firing' timer
switch on the light (fuse)
stop motor A when the turntable
activates the proximity sensor
when the `cannon firing' stops, start the
sound (cannon firing and cannon ball
splash down)
stop the light and sound
wait x seconds
reverse motor A to turn the turntable
to the right
stop motor A when the turntable
activates the proximity sensor.
Pupil Name __________________________________________________
The Cannon Attack
During the ride at the Pirate Falls you saw a lot of moving
LEGO models in the various scenes you passed. Some
of them move all of the time. Others move only
when they receive a signal from sensors
(photoelectric cells) which tell the models
that a log is approaching.
One of the sensor-prompted
scenes from the ride is
illustrated below. Do you
remember what happened?
Write down the series of instructions that you think were passed to make the
model move.
Teacher hints, cover this part of the worksheet before photocopying.