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SUZUKI and SUZUKI Dealers are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with your vehicle.
The goodwill and loyalty resulting from your satisfaction in your Vehicle and the services provided by SUZUKI
Dealers are important to SUZUKI and your Dealer.
Should a question or problem arise concerning service or warranty which cannot be resolved with Dealer
management, please contact the owner of your SUZUKI dealership directly. The owner of the dealership is
in the best position to quickly resolve your problem.
However, should you have any further questions after having spoken to the dealership owner, please write to:
100 East Beaver Creek Road,
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1J6
Attention: Customer Relations
Tel: (905) 889-2677 ext. #2254
Be sure to supply the following information whenever contacting SUZUKI.
1. Your name, address, and telephone number
5. Current odometer reading
2. Year and model of vehicle
6. Name and location of your Dealer
3. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
7. Details of the matter you wish to discuss
4. Purchase date
Suzuki endeavors to resolve all Vehicle service concerns through our dealer network and as necessary
with direct assistance from the Customer Relations Department at our Head Office. If you feel that
despite this policy, your concern remains unsatisfied, Suzuki participates in an arbitration program
known as CAMVAP (Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Program). This plan allows for an independent
third party to resolve a disagreement through binding arbitration. For more information on CAMVAP,
call toll free 1-800-207-0685 or visit their website at http://camvap.ca.