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The best way to preserve the finish on your Vehicle and help avoid corrosion is to keep it clean with frequent
washing. If you are frequently driving on salted roads, your Vehicle should be washed at increased intervals
based on the frequency of exposure to these conditions. If you are living near an ocean, your vehicle should
be washed at regular intervals throughout the year.
Washing Instructions
1. Wash the underbody of your Vehicle first. High pressure water or steam is most effective for cleaning this
area. Ensure that all debris such as road salt, chemicals, mud and dirt is removed from the underbody,
especially in hard to reach areas.
2. Wash the exterior of your Vehicle in a shaded area using only lukewarm or cold water. Remove all dirt
and mud from the body with running water. Dirt which is hard to remove should be washed off with a
sponge using plenty of water. A mild soap or detergent can be used, however these cleaning agents
should be promptly washed off and not allowed to dry on the finish.
3. After washing the Vehicle, be certain that all drain holes are unobstructed.
Foreign Material Deposits
Foreign material such as salts, chemicals, road oil or tar, tree sap, bird droppings and industrial fallout may
damage the finish of your vehicle if it is left on painted surfaces. Remove these types of deposits as quickly
as possible. If these deposits are difficult to wash off, an additional cleaner may be required. Ensure that
any cleaner that you select is compatible to the vehicle paint finish and that the manufacturer's instructions
are carefully followed.
Finish Damage
Carefully examine your Vehicle for damage to the painted surfaces, especially if it is used on unpaved
roads. Should you find any chips or scratches in the paint, touch them up immediately to prevent corrosion
from starting. If the chips or scratches have gone through to the bare metal, have a qualified body shop
make the repair.