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Astronomical Applications Department, U.S. Naval Observatory - Linear Least Squares (Page 22)

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Astronomical Applications Department, U.S. Naval Observatory - Linear Least Squares
leastsqrs[4]: Solving the normal equations...
leastsqrs[46]: Verifying the solution...
leastsqrs[569]: Done!
As we can see, the solution for this model is quite complicated:
cost soln
2188 additions 7749 multiplications 5 divisions 5 assignments
cost soln
789 additions 2864 multiplications divisions assignments,
394 additions 1382 multiplications divisions assignments,
394 additions 1382 multiplications divisions assignments,
217 additions 739 multiplications divisions assignments,
394 additions 1382 multiplications divisions assignments ]
cost _subslist
254 additions 1249 multiplications 1108 sums 27 assignments
soln _subslist
1043 additions 4113 multiplications 3968 sums divisions assignments,
648 additions 2631 multiplications 2487 sums divisions assignments,
648 additions 2631 multiplications 2487 sums divisions assignments,
471 additions 1988 multiplications 1842 sums divisions assignments,
648 additions 2631 multiplications 2487 sums divisions assignments ]
However, it optimizes well:
soln tryhard
cost optsoln
739 additions 1061 multiplications divisions 26 subscripts 447 assignments
The following command produces an optimized procedure, which we will not show here.
optsoln _subslist
parameters [
, ,
N Y t
globals [
, , , ,
Page 22

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