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Astronomical Applications Department, U.S. Naval Observatory - novas c 2 doc
2.2 Installation
To install NOVAS-C on your local system, follow the simple instructions given
below. These instructions assume that you know how to compile and link C source code
on your computer system. Details of the process are dependent on your particular
computer system. NOVAS-C has been successfully implemented on PCs running
Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh systems, and several systems running different
flavors of Unix.
1. Copy all NOVAS-C files to a directory on your local system.
2. Compile and link files checkout-st.c, novas.c, novascon.c, solsys3.c, and
readeph0.c. Name the resulting application "checkout".
3. Run the checkout application. Compare the results that you get from "checkout"
with the data in file If the results agree, the installation has
probably been successful, but see the important note below.
4. If you plan to use the USNO minor planet ephemerides with NOVAS-C, another
checkout program, checkout-mp.c, has been supplied. To check the installation of
NOVAS-C with the minor planet ephemerides software, repeat step 2, replacing
readeph0.c provided with NOVAS-C, with readeph.c, allocate.c, and chby.c
from the minor planet ephemeris software. Run the resulting application, and
compare your results with the contents of The ephemeris file for
minor planet 2 Pallas (not supplied with NOVAS-C) is required to run this test.
Note that the checkout programs also provide examples of how the NOVAS-C
functions are called from an application program.
Important Note
The checkout applications exercise one supervisory function and most, but not all, of the
low-level functions in novas.c. Also, the checkout applications do not use solsys2.c;
hence, planetary positions (other than those of the Earth) are not tested. Thus, use of the
checkout applications is not a complete test of NOVAS-C. Comparing the results from
the NOVAS-C supervisory functions with results from the analogous NOVAS Fortran
supervisory functions will constitute a more complete check of your NOVAS-C

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