American Memory guide Page 1
Team Journal Guidelines
You will be asked throughout this unit to keep accurate records
of sources you have used to find information about child labor and
industrialization. Please make sure you discuss and agree upon a
system that works for everyone within your team. Two suggestions:
A table listing the type of source at the top, (electronic, text, poster,
interview, etc.), and the address, or title of the source at the left
margin, with room for a brief description of the source.
A list that identifies the type of source and what you discovered.
In addition, at the end of each class, I'll ask you to take turns
individually writing two or more sentences in your team journal
describing how you felt about the class content that day. You're
encouraged to engage in a brief discussion prior to placing an entry in
the journal. However, your entry should reflect one or more
individual opinions.
Your journal will become an important primary source for future
students to use as they investigate child labor in America.