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Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives - alba educational Modules 04
Identity and Commitment: Jewish Volunteers in the International Brigades during
the Spanish Civil War

Lesson Overview
This lesson provides an introduction to website module,
Jewish Volunteers in the Spanish
Civil Wa
r. By examining several case studies of individuals who joined the International
Brigades, this lesson can be used to frame further investigations into the Spanish Civil War,
the history of international support for the Republican forces, and the rich resources
available from the ALBA archive. Out of 32,000 volunteers to the International Brigades,
8,000 were Jews. At a time of personal crisis, why did so many choose to participate, risking
their lives and their futures?
By focusing on the identity of individual participants, and their motivations for risking their
lives at a moment of great danger, students will be able to make important connections
between this history and their own lives.
Learning Outcomes
During this lesson, students will:
Reflect on the reasons why people take extraordinary risks at times of great
Examine the stories of four individuals who joined and participated in the
International Brigades
Deepen their understanding of the historical context during which these
individuals fought in Spain.
Create life-story maps of these four individuals or similar volunteers in the ALB

Suggested Grade Levels: 9-12 grade
Subject Areas: World History, 20
Century History, Civics
Lesson Duration: 3-5 days based on 50 minute class periods.

Resources (within the site, external links, suggested readings, videos etc.)
Selected sections of the ALBA site
Selections from
The Volunteer
External readings
Lesson Activity Description
1. Begin the lesson by having students write reflectively in a journal or note book
on the following questions:
What does it mean to volunteer? What do people volunteer for, and why do
they do it?
Think of instances in which any of you volunteered for something. What did
it feel like to be a volunteer?
Under what conditions, if any, would any of you decline an opportunity to
volunteer? Why?

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