Sample follow-up: Making Peace More Possible
Making Peace More Possible
A sample follow-up lesson to They Still Draw Pictures
(with appreciation to Lesley Wellman (curator of education at the Hood Museum of Art) and Deborah
Steele (an art therapist), who created the Family Guide for this exhibit when it toured in the Hood
Museum at Dartmouth. This section was taken from their brochure for They Still Draw Pictures.)
You have seen drawings that express children's experiences of war as well as their experiences of peace.
Based on what these drawings show us, it is most likely that children around the world, if given the
choice, would choose to experience peace rather than war.
There is a saying from the ancient Chinese philosophy and religion of Taoism (pronounced dow-ism)
that goes like this:
No peace in the world without peace in the nation.
No peace in the nation without peace in the town.
No peace in the town without peace in the home.
No peace in the home without peace in the heart.
One way of interpreting this saying is that big world events are influenced by small, day-to-day personal
actions and gestures. Each one of us has the power to make a difference in shaping human experience.
Below, list some things you can think of that people can do to help create a world where peace is more
possible. What are some things that adults can do? What are some things that children can do? Thing
big, and think small-and remember that nothing is too tiny to mention!