(800) 631-LOGO
Using Logos with WPS-Plus/ALL-IN-1
These notes are applicable to ALL-IN-1 version 2.3 and later.
This note describes a simple means of automatically downloading and printing logos with ALL-IN-1/VMS.
We assume that you're down-loading your logos and fonts using the VMS printer symbiont FORM/SETUP
All you need to do is:
1. Add a printer /FORM named "LETTERHEAD", together with a /SETUP module which contains the font
(See Application Note VMS-1).
2. Copy the LN03.PRA printer attributes table file and modify it to add a "LETTERHEAD" keyword.
3. Add a new ALL-IN-1 "LETTERHEAD" PrinterType. Your users specify this type to download the font.
4. Begin using your letterhead/logo with ALL-IN-1!
Please note that in order to perform the above you should be familiar with:
using the ALL-IN-1 Printer Table Utility; and
using the EDT (or TPU) editors to insert escape sequences.
1. VMS Printer Symbiont help in downloading
You should follow the instructions in Application Note VMS-1 "Using VMS as a Font Loader". We'll use the
printer /FORM named "LETTERHEAD" which we defined there.
2. Modifying LN03 printer attributes
In this step, we copy the existing LN03 printer attributes and printer characteristics files, naming the new ones
We'll edit "LN03PLUS.PRA" to include the necessary control information.
You should be familiar with the Printer Table Utility (PTU) program -- if you're not, we suggest that you browse
the manual and experiment until you understand how printer attributes work.
$ Set Default KOA$PRINT_DIR
! (we'll modify this attribute file)
$ Run PTU
! instructions below ...
Once you're in PTU, select "Printer Attributes", then enter "LN03PLUS" as the table name.
Once you're in the Editor, use \GoldKey{NextScreen} to move all the way to the bottom of the list of
at the end of the list, use DownArrow to add an entry to the table.
create the keyword "LETTERHEAD"
enter the escape sequence below as a single line (no [Return]s):
\CSI 7 SP I \CSI 11h
\DCS 1;17 { DPLOGO9002SK00GG \ST