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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005 (Page 55)

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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005
Optimal dose of acetazolamide
· Still uncertain, need H-T-H comparison of
· 750 and 500 mg/day clearly work
· Based on mechanism, and clinical studies,
5 mg/kg/day may be ideal
· Improves periodic breathing at altitude, but
not SaO2, as does AZ
· Early study on AMS looked promising
· Fischer et al, 2004
(Europ Resp J)
­ Theophylline 2X250/day, vs AZ 2X250/day
­ 10 hr exposure 4500m
­ Th = Pl, Az worked
­ World's oldest living tree species
­ Standardized extract used worldwide
· 24% flavonoids & 6% ginkgolides
­ Used clinically for neurocognitive disorders,
improved blood flow in peripheral vascular
Ginkgo: mechanisms of action
· inhibits iNOS
· inhibits platelet activating factor
· oxygen radical scavenger
· attenuates oxidative damage, apoptosis
· protects Na,K-ATPase activity
· improves microcirculation rheology
Ginkgo biloba prevented AMS

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