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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005 (Page 388)

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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005
Remote settings
-Rough terrain- from unimproved roads to mountainous land without road access
-Time to notification/rescue/treatment prolonged

Park rangers
Less experience with EMS- volume
More responsibilities
Maintaining skills a problem for EMS staff
2.2 million acres, mountainous
Rangers: Law enforcement, firefighting, resource management, EMS, technical
rescues, searches
High expectations from public--ie rescuers must have quick response and be
prepared for MVA, technical swiftwater/scuba/climbing rescues, searches, etc
1 year round clinic
1 seasonal clinic
1 seasonal hospital
Our terrain:
High altitude:
-highest peak ~11,300, highest road ~8900
-AMS incidence about 30%, HAPE not uncommon, easy access
(little acclimatization)
Thermal features:
-pools at 176-190
F superheated water/mudpots
-unstable geyserite
-avg. 10 serious burns/year.
Wild animals:
-Bison- recent decline in population past avg 3-5 gorings/yr
-Bears- approx 250 grizzlies avg 3 humans injured/yr in ecosystem
(usually hunters)
-Moose, elk, deer, mountain lion, wolves, coyotes

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