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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005 (Page 383)

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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005
Overview For Potential Volunteers
Edited from document prepared by Ken Zafren, MD, FACEP - Associate Medical
Director (North America)
Overview: the Himalayan Rescue Association was founded in the early 1970s
and operates an office in Kathmandu as well as two aid posts in the mountains of
Nepal. There is posts use volunteer physicians to serve the medical needs of
trekkers and local people. They operate during the two trekking "seasons:" spring
or pre-monsoon and fall or post-monsoon. Living conditions at both posts are
primitive, food is basic and there is little communication with "home". There are
two volunteer physicians at each post each season. Volunteers should be willing
to put up with the inevitable hassles of living and working in a third-world country
as well as with prolonged living under conditions which at home would be
associated with wilderness travel.
Qualification: Volunteers must be physicians, usually from the primary care
specialties. Emergency physicians and family practitioners are the norm, but
others may be considered if they have enough experience beyond their own
fields. Mountaineering and mountain rescue skills are not required. Camping
skills and sense of humor are essential.
Pheriche Aid Post: Located in the Khumbu (Everest) region of Nepal, the post
usually takes two weeks for volunteers to reach, most of which is spent walking
in. The post is located at 14,000 feet and serves the large number of trekkers

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