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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005
Abstract Presentations at the 2005 Wilderness Medical Society Meeting, Snowmass,
Colorado, July 23 to 27, 2005

Oral Presentations

A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial Comparing
Gingko Biloba versus Acetazolamide for the Prevention of Acute Mountain Sickness
in Gradual Ascent
Sumeru G. Mehta, MD, MPH
, Erick Hung, MD
(WMS Houston Award Winner),
Luanne Freer, MD

Rapid detection techniques for Cryptosporidium and Giardia: Feasibility of use to
assess risk from drinking wilderness waters

Ashley R. Laird¹ (WMS Houston Award Winner), Alexandria B. Boehm, PhD²

Performance Characteristics of the Divers Alert Network Remote Emergency
Oxygen (REMO
) Closed-Circuit Oxygen Rebreather
Neal W. Pollock, PhD, Michael J. Natoli, MS

Comparative Treatment of Alpha Amanitin Poisoning with N-Acetylcysteine,
Benzylpenicillin, Cimetidine, Thioctic Acid, and Silybin in a Murine Model.
Tri C. Tong, MD
(WMS Research Award Winner), Mark Hernandez, MD
, Michael
Favata, MD
, William H. Richardson, MD
, David P. Betten, MD
, David A. Tanen,

Africanized Bee Attacks in Children
Jeffrey T. Allgaier, MD, Frank F. LoVecchio, DO, MPH
Maricopa Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine and Banner Good
Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona

The Effects of Mechanical Stimulation on Cardiac Rhythm in a Hypothermic Swine

James M. Grueskin, MD
, Pam Harvey, DO
, Frank Dos Santos, DO
, William H.
Richardson, MD
, and Dave A. Tanen, MD

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