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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005
Rydman RJ, Rumoro DP, Silva JC, Hogan TM, Kampe LM. The rate and risk of heat-
rlated illness in hospital emergency departments during the 1995 Chicago heat disaster. J
Med Syst. 1999 Feb; 23(1): 41-56.
Wexler RK. Evaluation and treatment of heat-related illnesses. Am Fam
Lew HL. Et al. Rehabilitation of a patient with Heat Stroke. AM J Phys Med Rehab.
Naughton MP. Heat-related mortality during a 1999 heat wave in Chicago. Am J Prev
Med. 2002 may;22(4):221-7.
Martinez M. Drug-associated heat stroke. Southern Med J. 2002;95(8): 799-802.
Eshel G, Safar P. The role of the central nervous system in heatstroke: reversible
profound depression of cerebra activity in a primate model. Avait Space Environ Med.
2002; 73:327-32.
Bouchama A, Knochel JP. Heat stroke. N Engl J Med.2002; 346(25):1978-88.
Hadad E, et al. Heat Stroke: a review of cooling methods. Sports Med 2004; 34(5): 501-
Pluth, T. Heat Stroke: a comprehensive review. AACN Clinical Issues 2004; 15(2): 280-
Costrini AM. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1990;22:15-8.
The Heat Index: Ambient temperature is not the only factor that plays a role in creating the potential for heat
injuries, humidity is also important. Since our bodies rely on the evaporation of sweat as a major method of
cooling, high humidity reduces our ability to cool the body, increasing the risk of heat illnesses. The Heat
Index shows the relative effects of temperature and humidity (see Table 9.5).
The Heat Index
Environmental Temperature Fº (Cº)
70º (21) 75º(24) 80º(27) 85º(29) 90º(32) 95º(35) 100º(38) 105º(41) 110º(43) 115º(46) 120º(49)
Apparent Temperature Fº (Cº)
64º(18) 69º(20) 73º(23) 78º(26) 83º(28) 87º(31) 91º(33) 95º(35) 99º(37) 103º(39) 107º(42)
65º(18) 70º(21) 75º(24) 80º(27) 85º(29) 90º(33) 95º(35) 100º(38) 105º(41) 111º(44) 116º(47)
66º(19) 72º(22) 77º(25) 82º(28) 87º(30) 93º(33) 99º(37) 105º(41) 112º(44) 120º(49) 130º(54)
67º(19) 73º(23) 78º(26) 84º(29) 90º(33) 96º(36) 104º(40) 113º(45) 123º(51) 135º(57) 148º(64)
68º(20) 74º(23) 79º(26) 86º(30) 93º(34) 101º(38) 110º(43) 123º(56) 137º(58) 151º(66)
69º(20) 75º(24) 81º(27) 88º(31) 96º(36) 107º(42) 120º(49) 135º(57) 150º(66)
70º(21) 76º(24) 82º(28) 90º(33) 100º(38) 114º(46) 132º(56) 149º(65)
70º(21) 77º(25) 85º(29) 93º(34) 106º(41) 124º(51) 144º(62)
71º(22) 78º(26) 86º(30) 97º(36) 113º(45) 136º(58)
71º(22) 79º(26) 88º(31) 102º(39) 122º(50)
72º(22) 80º(27) 91º(33) 108º(42)

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