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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005 (Page 359)

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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005
HEAT WAVE = Three or more days during which the air temperature is >
Normal Response to Heat:
Narrow range of body temperature for "health".
Balance between heat generated through metabolism and the
external environment...
Heat Gain = M +/-C+/-K+/-R+/-E
M = metabolism
C = conduction
K = conduction
R = radiation
E = evaporation
Mechanisms of Heat Loss:
Radiation:65% of heat loss
Conduction: < 2% [increases with water immersion]
Convection: 10% of heat loss
Respiration: 5%
Evaporation: 30% @ rest and up to 75% with activity.
Is the most effective means for dissipating heat, however, above
95% humidity, evaporation no longer occurs.
Predisposing Factors:
Prolonged Exertion:
outdoor work
Poor muscle conditioning
Lack of Acclimation
Sleep deprivation
Poor living environment
Endocrine disorders: diabetes, thyrotoxicosis,
Hypothalamic disease
Skin Disorders: burns, scleroderma, CF
Infections: malaria,
Extremes of AGE: very young and old
Medications and Drugs:
anticholinergic agents: TCA's, Phenothiazines
Amphetamines and cocaine
In the 1995 Midwest Heat Wave, the most common
comorbid conditions were: nervous disorders,
endocrine disorders, respiratory ailments, and
mental disorders.

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