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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005
Hyperthermia and Heat Illness
Presented by:
Eric Johnson, MD

During 1979-1997, the most recent years for which data are
available, an annual average of 381 deaths in the US were attributable to
"excessive heat exposure" (see end for definition).
1995 was a disastrous year for heat-related fatalities with 1021
heat related deaths. July heat wave in Chicago and Milwaukee was
89% occurred in permanent homes
57% male/ 43% female
67% age 60-89
1999 Chicago heat wave data:
80 died
53% < 65 years
Psych illness common.
Most protective factor = working air conditioner.
2003 France Heat wave
Hyperthermia is a rise a body temperature above the hypothalamic set
point when heat dissipating mechanisms are impaired or overwhelmed
by external or internal heat
Heat Illness: used to describe all adverse effects on the body of a
raised core temperature
Heat rash:[miliaria rubra or prickly heat] rash caused by plugged sweat
glands, retention of sweat and secondary inflammatory reaction
Heat edema: self limited swelling of the feet and hands usually seen
early with heat exposure
Heat cramps: muscular cramps associated with exercise
(usually post exercise) and secondary to relative hyponatremia.
Heat syncope
: fainting ascribed to the dilatation of peripheral
blood vessels resulting from raised environmental temperature.
Heat exhaustion
: Is the result of water/salt depletion in the face of
heat stress. Precursor of heat stroke.
Heat stroke
: complex clinical disorder characterized by:
a) Core temperature rises above 40 [104-106*F]
b Central nervous system changes/abnormalities.
c) Proposed:
"form of hyperthermia associated with a
systemic inflammatory response leading to a syndrome of multi-
organ dysfunction in which encephalopathy predominates".
AP: Europe Heat Wave Killed Some
The Guardian (UK) 9-26-2003 | Pamela Sampson

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