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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005
Wild Animal Attacks
Luanne Freer, MD, FACEP
Medcor at Yellowstone National Park
Wilderness Medical Society
Epidemiology of wild animal attacks
Epidemiology: Bear attacks
All bears- 9 injuries, 1 death/year North America -- On the increase
Brown bears- 100 years North America - 165 attacks
Black bears- 86 years National/State parks - 500 attacks
Polar bears- 85 years Alaska- 1 attack in 20 years Canada- 20 attacks
Epidemiology: Cougar attacks
In US, over 70 attacks since 1970
>25% victims are children
Increasing frequency, increasing fatality rate
Epidemiology: Coyote, wolf attacks
Coyote: increasing population/attacks in US
Wolf: Rare attacks, no deaths in the wild in North America; significant # deaths in India
Wolf: Siberia- 112 deaths/year in 1800's
Epidemiology: Bison attacks
Most attacks occur in Yellowstone (largest free-ranging herd)
Average 3 attacks/year; 4 fatalities since 1975
Epidemiology: Moose, elk, deer attacks
Anecdotal reports, though frequent
Hunters, hikers, roadside tourists may approach too closely
Field management and care of the attack victim
Scene safety
Options for care and transport
Consider mechanism of injury
Emergency first aid
Wound care
Evacuation and facility choice
Field management and care of the attack victim
Scene safety
Rescuer safety
Victim safety
Will the animal return?
Field management and care of the attack victim
Options for care and transport
What equipment is available?
Is help reasonably close?
Can the victim walk?
Consider mechanism of injury
Field management and care of the attack victim
Emergency first aid

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