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Wilderness Medical Society - snowmass 2005

Raid on Entebbe SPEC OPS ­ RADM Bill McRaven
27 June 1976
Air France Flight 139 hijacked by 4 terrorists
Flown to Entebbe (Uganda)
106 hostages held in Old Terminal at airport
7 terrorists guarding hostages
100 Ugandan troops perimeter security
Sayeret Matkal rescue

Raid on Entebbe SPEC OPS ­ RADM Bill McRaven
Rescue 4 July 1986
Exit from C-130 in Mercedes and 2 Land Rovers
Dressed as Ugandan soldiers
Shot Ugandan sentry
Assaulted terminal through 3 doors

Raid on Entebbe SPEC OPS ­ RADM Bill McRaven
LTC Netanyahu shot in chest at beginning of assault

Raid on Entebbe SPEC OPS ­ RADM Bill McRaven
"As previously ordered, the three assault elements disregarded Netanyahu and stormed
the building. At this point in the operation, there wasn't time to attend to the wounded."

Do seconds really matter?

Ma'a lot Rescue Attempt SPEC OPS - RADM Bill McRaven
15 May 1974
3 PLO terrorists take 105 hostages
Schoolchildren and teachers
When assault commenced, terrorists began killing hostages
22 children killed, 56 wounded
The difference between a dramatic success and a disaster may be
measured in seconds.


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